Heather's Questions!

Heather tagged me in a post where I answer questions about myself.  Here are the answers!
1. Do you cross train? (Be honest!)  (Yes, but it's me trying to be a better biker)
2. What's your FAVORITE thing about running?  (the indescribable euphoria from running on a beautiful day or kicking in a race.  And meeting great people). 
3. And your LEAST favorite?   (feeling like crap after long runs and races) 
4. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what is it? (potatoes so I wouldn't get scurvy)
5. What came first, chicken or the egg? (the dinosaur)
6. You're stuck on a deserted island - what three books do you wish you had with you? (does a kindle count?)
7. How much time do you spend getting ready before leaving your house for a normal day of work/school/whatever you do? (very little time!  10 minutes post shower?  I walk around looking almost homeless). 
8. Do you love the treadmill as much as I do? (YES YES YES!)
9. My birthday is coming up (in 6 months)... want to come have a party? (yes.  my 30th is coming up then too.  Let's go to Vegas)
10. What should I get The H for his birthday (next week)? (A remote controlled airplane from Brookstone)
11. Have you joined Team Gab yet? (Hell yes I have). 


  1. wait. Isn't it citrus that keeps the scurvy away?

    1. hahaha yeah. But it's vitamin C (which they've got a lot of!). No, the potato industry didn't get to me :). THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED POST!!!!
